Marcelo Maito

Marcelo Maito

Data Coordinator


Marcelo Adrián Maito is a graduate of Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires. Afterward, he attended postgraduate studies in Research Methodology in Social Sciences at Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and obtained a Master’s degree in Data Mining and Knowledge Management at Austral University (UA).

Currently, he is the Data Manager of the NIH/NIR R01: «Multi-Partner Consortium to Expand Dementia Research in Latin America (ReDLat)»; and Researcher of the «Global Datos Brain Health Latam»; project at the School of Psychology of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.

He has extensive experience in the health sector, working for more than ten years at the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT).

He fulfilled functions of representation and negotiation of technical regulations within the framework of MERCOSUR, in bilateral cooperation projects, and managing regional cooperation projects. Subsequently, he carried out training and research tasks in the Coordination of Training and Scientific-Sanitary Research and was in charge of the «Strategic Data Analytical Innovation Program».

Investigaciones Destacadas
Sol Fittipaldi - Agustina Legaz - Marcelo Maito - Hernán Hernández - Sebastián Moguilner - Andrea Slachevsky - Hernando Santamaría-García - Agustín Ibañez - Altschuler F, Canziani V, Gillan CM, Castillo J, Lillo P, Custodio N, Avila-Funes JA, Cardona JF, Henriquez F, Fraile-Vazquez M, Cruz de Souza L, Borroni B, Hornberger M, Lopera F, Matallana D, Reyes P, Gonzalez-Campo C, Bertoux M

Nature Mental Health, 02 January 2024

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