Agustina Legaz

Agustina Legaz

Ph.D.(c) in Neuroscience


Agustina Legaz has a bachelor’s with honors degree in Psychology from the University of Favaloro (Argentina). She is currently finishing a PhD in Neuroscience at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) and at the Cognitive Neuroscience Center (Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina) with a scholarship granted by CONICET. Her PhD work focused on contextual socio-emotional modulations during social cognition, memory, and interoceptive processes in neurodegeneration. Currently, her research line involves the study of socioeconomic disparities’ impact on brain correlates across dementia in Latin American populations. She is experienced in behavioral, EEG, and MRI/fMRI multinational research projects and has published several scientific articles in prestigious international journals (Brain, Journal of Neuroscience, and European Journal of Neuroscience, among others). In addition, she is a professor of general psychology and cognitive psychology at the Behavioral Sciences career (Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina).

Investigaciones Destacadas
Sol Fittipaldi - Agustina Legaz - Marcelo Maito - Hernán Hernández - Sebastián Moguilner - Andrea Slachevsky - Hernando Santamaría-García - Agustín Ibañez - Altschuler F, Canziani V, Gillan CM, Castillo J, Lillo P, Custodio N, Avila-Funes JA, Cardona JF, Henriquez F, Fraile-Vazquez M, Cruz de Souza L, Borroni B, Hornberger M, Lopera F, Matallana D, Reyes P, Gonzalez-Campo C, Bertoux M

Nature Mental Health, 02 January 2024

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