Pavel Prado

Pavel Prado

Ph.D. in Health Science


I received a B.Sc. in Biology and a MSc. in Comparative Physiology from Havana University. Since 2013, I hold a PhD in Health Science, from the University of Medical Sciences, Havana, Cuba.  My research addresses different aspects of the brain functioning, including the analysis of brain oscillations for developing dynamic models of large-scale brain activity in psychiatric disorders, the description and modelling of neurophysiological mechanisms underpinning neural entrainment, as well as the analysis of statistical learning. At BrainLat, I will conduct interdisciplinary and translational research on EGG gamma entrainment elicited by multi-sensory stimulation. I will use experimental and computational approaches to analyze the effect of these stimulus-driven brain oscillations on different symptoms of dementia, and dementia related disorders. Furthermore, I will continue my studies on hearing to disentangle the association between hearing impairment and dementia. I hope the multidisciplinary studies conducted at BrainLat will have a meaningful impact on the prevention and treatment of dementia.

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