Building sustainable operations systems growth for BrainLat and RedLat

Building sustainable operations systems growth for BrainLat and RedLat



BrainLat aims to create an innovative research environment that will train emerging leaders, support cutting-edge research projects, and build capacity for future work in the region. The institute will administer a substantial grantmaking program, in addition to conducting a number of internal research projects and serving as a coordinating center for multi-site studies. The ReDLat consortium is organized around a large and complex multi-site study, providing a unique setting for researchers from around the world to explore questions related to dementia. Managing the administrative, financial, and reporting requirements for these two programs requires substantial effort and specialized training. Not only is there a tremendous volume of contracting for coordinating centers, but all involved sites must have dedicated staff, administrative infrastructure, and specialized knowledge and skills to accurately track funding sources and correctly monitor and report on each scope of work. This proposal aims to address these needs by developing a training program tailored for the specific requirements of international dementia and brain health research and designed to evolve with BrainLat’s changing scope. The tools and materials created through this work will be adapted for wider audiences and will serve as resources for sustained growth across BrainLat, ReDLat, and GBHI.

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