Juan Kamienkowski

Juan Kamienkowski

Adjunct Investigator
E-mail: jkamienk@gmail.com


He completed his undergraduate thesis in Physics studying adult neurogenesis with Alejandro Schinder (Neuronal Plasticity lab, Fundación Instituto Leloir). He continued his research path combining Physics and Neuroscience during his PhD, studying the organization of cognitive processes with Mariano Sigman (Integrative Neuroscience Lab, Physics Dept., FCEyN, UBA) where they started co-registering EEG and eye movements. This was pioneering work in an emerging field, showing for the first time a comparison between free eye movement and fixed gaze ERPs and paving the way for studying brain activity in naturalistic scenarios. During his postdoc, he worked in collaboration with Sebastián Lipina (Unit of Applied Neurobiology, CEMIC-CONICET) studying the impact of socioeconomic variables on brain processes underlying cognitive control in children in contexts of social vulnerability. Finally, in 2013, he moved to the Computer Science Department as a researcher, carrying out his research activities as PI or Co-PI of several funded grants and supervising or co-supervising graduate and undergraduate theses in Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Engineering, Psychology, and Linguistics.

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