Danilo Carmona

Danilo Carmona

PhD in Chemistry
E-mail: danilo.carmona@edu.uai.cl


I hold a PhD in Chemistry along with a degree in biochemistry from the University of Concepcion, Chile. The focus of my doctoral research was on theoretical and computational chemistry, with a particular emphasis in DFT-based electronic structure calculations to describe molecular properties. In 2020, I started a postdoctoral research position at the University of Chile funded by FONDECYT-ANID. In this research stay, I integrated a variety of new computational techniques, highlighting machine learning, data science and programming skills. These computational tools have enabled me to address new challenging areas such as metabolomic data processing. As part of this postdoctoral stay, I also had the opportunity to teach several Chemistry courses as a professor in charge at the Austral University of Chile. My academic experience has been widely complemented with professional experiences as a clinical biochemist in both private and public health institutions. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the BrainLat Institute with a primary focus on genome-wide association studies. My work is characterized by its rigor and mathematical approach to research, always pursuing the underlying logic of processes. As for my personal character, I would like to describe myself as a kind person, willing to collaborate and learn new things.

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