Online abridged behavioral neurology training for specialists in Latin America (EDUBrainLat)

Online abridged behavioral neurology training for specialists in Latin America (EDUBrainLat)





Reduced access and the heterogeneous quality of dementia education for clinicians hinder the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases in Latin America.

Aim: This unique program aims to fill these gaps by creating an interactive, abridged, behavioral neurology training program in Spanish for Latin American clinicians.

Methods: We will open a call to participate targeting graduated neurologists, geriatricians, or psychiatrists from Latin America. We hope to recruit 30 participants who can commit to the program requirements and timeline. The curriculum will be structured in four modules in the form of seminars, workshops, and interactive clinical case conferences. The program has a particular focus on generating human resources that are prepared to serve underrepresented dementia patients in low-income settings.

Expected results: Clinicians trained through our proposed program will be equipped to promote culturally sensitive dementia prevention, diagnostic, and care strategies. Clinicians will have tools to inform research and participate in the existing projects in the region. Interactions between clinician participants and instructors will help build new bonds among brain health leaders in Latin America. The generated expert knowledge will become a powerful vehicle for fighting dementia in Latin American regions, which currently have large inequities and underserved populations.

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