Sebastián Moguilner

Sebastián Moguilner

Ph.D. in Biology


My academic background is in Physics (graduate) and Medical Physics (postgrad). I have recently finished my Ph.D. thesis in Biology. During my Ph.D. studies, I developed new neuroimaging biomarkers for healthy aging and pathological states on cognitive decline and neurodegeneration. To this end, I analyzed multivariate data from different neuroimaging modalities (MRI, fMRI, DWI, and EEG), demographic, environmental, and socioeconomic status factors, and neuropsychological outcomes (MMSE, MoCA, and naturalistic stimuli) to study patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia. I focused on developing machine learning classifiers for patient diagnosis and machine learning regressors for outcome prediction. These methods allowed me to handle multimodal data in multi-centric studies.

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